You know I was thinking last night if anyone had a perfect blueprint on how to destroy a nation, it's this guy.

1. Continually turning a blind eye and encouraging a ongoing, unlimited massive onslaught of illegal alien invaders hellbent on taking our country over and we're not even firing a single shot.

2. Financially crippling our nation by racking up huge amounts of debt, sending our jobs overseas, allowing corporations to hire illegals and foreigners from countless number of visa programs on a whim to dumb down our wages to far below the poverty line. We have record debts in trade spending and entitlement/pork spending with no end in sight.

3. Allowing corporate robber barons to enrich themselves on natural and national disasters and all kinds of energy shortages real and imaginative.

4. Dumbing down of our education system with NCLB.

5. Thrusting us into a costly war with a country that was of no threat whatsoever which has cost us trillions, will cost us trillions more, has cost us thousands of lives of our nations finest and will continue to cost us thousands more with no end in sight.

6. Leaving our borders wide open for any criminal or terrorist to enter leaving all of our citizens at risk in an effort to kowtow to corporate America and the corrupt, crime bloated, drug and gang haven known as Mexico.

7. Allowing our health care, education systems and hospitals to be crippled nationwide.

This guys poll numbers are at 29 percent and dropping. Yet he keeps pressing forward with his destructive agenda. As much as I despised Bill Clinton and I still do, I'd rather have him now than Bush. At least he knew how to balance a budget and he was smart enough to know that when he was in trouble politically to start moving back to the center. Bush isn't even smart enough to do that. He keeps telling his sheepish Republican supporters that everything will be just fine.

Which leads me to believe 2 things. Either he's really, really stupid, or he has a very evil agenda he's working and he's aligned himself with some very evil people with some very evil intentions for America. Perhaps it's a lot of both. I just find it hard to believe with the numbers dropping like this that he'd keep spewing the same crap laced with one of two half measures to try invain to pull the wool over our eyes. This guy is the most pompous, arrogant man I've ever seen and I think he's very evil.

I don't understand why this guy can't be impeached. We impeached Clinton over lying about having sex in the oval office. BFD. Bush lies, thousands die and yet nobodies talking about impeaching him? I don't get it. Bush and Cheney need to be dumped like yesterday. I've said it before, our nation can't survive another 3 years of this. If these idiots are hellbent on committing political suicide by caving into Bush then they have got to go. We need to show them the door in November. No more excuses. If you idiots in America can't wake up and see what's going on then you deserve to lose your country. Go ahead and let the Mexicans take over because MTV and American Idol are way more important. Morons, we are losing this war and we are losing bigtime, regardless of how you spin this. Get off your lazy butts and get out and protest. Let these empty suits know how you feel about them. Tell them you won't support them anymore and that they better get their bags packed in November because they are done. These leeches won't be sucking on the governments nipple anymore. Send these nation wrecking bastards back to where they came from and when they are out of office then we can work on sending them to prison where they belong.