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    How to Fix America Over Night,One Step to financial Freedom

    My freaking rant article: Chexfive 2-22-08

    As I watch everyone on television they never say it. I watch all the main Stream Media Channels, they never say it. I watch C-Span 1 and 2, the documentary channel and the FreeSpeech TV channel, they never say it. I listen to the candidates in debates, they never say it. I listen to CNBC, Bloomberg, Bernanke and Greenspan, they never say it. I listen to the economic forums and watch the independent economic professors, they don't say it.

    They never get down to the real issue that is causing America to be put in financial ruins. And it seems so obvious that everyday we hear how people cannot pay their bills. Obviously people aren't spending money on playstation games when their house is going into foreclosure so why aren't they paying their bills? Because they don't get paid enough, thats why!

    #1. All workers from the bottom to the top (exclude executives and ceo's), need a big fat raise. It is more than obvious that Americans can barely pay their bills and therefore have put themselves in debt using the credit cards to do so and thats why we don't have savings and every American has an average of $10,000 in credit card debt and if Americans were buying crap with their credit cards then the economy would be doing fine wouldn't it? You can bet when someone loses their home their credit cards will also be maxed out because they used them to try and pay the mortgage while hoping the government would do something like end illegal immigration so their pay checks would go up or that the employers might actaully do the right thing and see that Americans need a freaking raise. We hear Hillary saying America needs to invest in green technology and put green renovations on commercial buildings. How do you find $500 Billion dollars to do this with a credit crunch going on? Clinton and Obama say this will be a new industry to fuel the economy with new jobs, where is the money going to come from? You never really hear that aye? And at best with businesses going under left and right the only businesses that will be able to afford such upfits are the ones that have been raking in the dough all along, the monopolies and the international conglomerates. I guarantee you the businesses that don't upfit their buildings will be subject to a global warming footprint fee, thus driving down the sector that is doing semi good right now, the commercial sector. So, people will be leaving those sectors or they will be paying big energy fines because they can't upgrade. And if they have no reserve cash how are they going to be able to upgrade to the new green technology? They'll have to borrow it of course. How will they borrow it if there is a credit crunch? Will they have to pay big time interest which will be lower than the fines for not upfitting their building? Will they have to put their buildings on the line to borrow the money to upfit? Is this going to be another way to introduce fascism into businesses that otherwise would have nothing to do with the idea? Isn't this economic chaos going to make strange bed fellows with alot of businesses as they try to stay afloat? This whole way of thinking is just wrong and America was never meant to be ran this way. It is evil and it goes directly against the freedoms we so enjoy as Americans. It shreds the constitution to bits.

    #2. The reason Americans haven't had a pay raise is because the employers don't need to compete monetarily for workers because we have 40 million illegals and another 20 million legal working foriegners in this country which keeps the wages low and even lowers the wages. Isn't this common sense? But yet we see all the politicians want to let 80 million more in. What the hell are they thinking? The kicker is, they say its good for America and they just overlook the effect it has on real wages. The problem is none of these people have ever had to work for anything in their lives. A few of them might have come from low income back grounds but how soon they forget where they came from. I guess they have been bought knowing either its this way or the planners at the CFR will make sure they have no future in political life. For every political candidate to have the same underlying philosophy it is obvious there are controls beyond our government. It is coming from an international force and the force is a world like government and international business, thats who runs the world government. Why else would a politician ignore the raveged and hurting America? Why else would you see our nation being brought to ruin financially and still rather give tens of billions to other countries? When you know your in ruins in every department there is, and yet you come up with more ways to spend even more bilions. When you know our troops are spread deadly thin but yet keep sending money all over the world to protect countries that are richer than our own right now? There has to be a larger power and there is. Most Americans just choose to ignore it and say its silly and conspiricy theories but look around. Everything is inter connected. The illegals come in, makes pay go down, people can't spend or pay bills, the businesses are hurting because people can't buy anything, the businesses lay workers off, the laid off workers go bancrupt, the banks loose money because of massive foreclosures, the banks lay workers off, those people go bancrupt. The people that are working wages don't go up, still have no money to spend, the businesses counting on those customers go bancrupt, the banks financing those businesses go bancrupt, all the businesses lay even more people off, even more people lose everything, even more businesses go under, all the while people are trying to get government assistance because they have no job, no assets, nothing. Of course what happens when 60 million people need government assistance? The taxes go up. Since the poor and what is left of any middleclass won't be able to pay the higher taxes, the rich will have to pay them and we'll hear them bitch and moan about it all the way. But it will be them who created it for themselves.It is like the depression and the reason it will happen is because of each worker had their own depression because their wages were depressed by the massive influx of foriegn workers be they legal or illegal. After everyone is broke and there are hardly any jobs here, the foriegners and illegals will go home. Why be here when you can't get a job. Another thing is after America is totally broke and the taxes go way up on the rich and the trillion dollar corporations the trillion dollar corporations and rich will have enough money to move elsewhere to avoid the new higher taxes won't they? Yes, they can buy up whatever their hearts desire for pennies on the dollar but the taxes will be high and who will be able to afford live in these $500K homes? So, the international businesses will already be established in other parts of the world, it will be nothing for the corporate heads to find sanctuary in a much nicer place in the world. They travel all the time anyway so its no big deal to them. So America will basicly be left high and dry. All the money will move offshore, all the foriegners just go back were they came from because business is booming there now, why stay here? And Americans are left holding the bag like the suckers that they are. All because of the brain washing and irrisponsibility of people that just refuse to see the big picture and even think about what is going on in America. This is how the common American see's the current situation, Awe, we should let the poor little illegals come to America and be part of America, we have room for 100 million people, they won't take anyones job. they won't take social services or make anchor babies. they won't drive drunk and kill and rape our people, not those poor little immigrants. No, they won't steal our social security cards or make fake documents so they can rip America off, they just want to work and support their families back home. Those are the nicest people you ever want to meet, they cut your grass really cheap and fix your roof for a few dollars. They are just humans looking for a better way of life, then the one hiring the illegals give him $10 for cutting their lawn like thats going to make a better life while putting the legit lawn company out of business. Thats Americans for ya. College educated and stupid as a rock. These people must use a computer to balance their finances because they sure can't do it on their own.

    #3. The reason why the 40 million illegals and 10 million legals are in the country is because the greedy government and the greedy businesses are in business together and each wash the others hands and at the same time have a corrupt interest in making sure each other succeeds thus giving everyone access to the corruption while the American workers have no avenue and no representation in government. we got a very big and growing problem here and it all stems from wages. Everything we have going on is wage related and until anybody wants to admitt this is the problem we aren't going to go anywhere but down hill. The politicians want to give us healthcare, and free heating oil and free college tuition and free dental plans and free public transportation and a rebate check when times get tough for businesses. Why is it that they would rather give us everything instead of just coming out and saying workers need a raise? Because these businesses give them hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars if you include all the federal, state and local political campaigns added together. Its even gotten down to the smallest elected office. The businesses are the politicians bread and butter, they dare not go against them and the mega billions in profits that fund the political machines through out every political race in the land. As we see more and more of even the lowlyest political elections are funded by business. Thats because the businesses know thats where the key to them making billions lay. The other problem we have is business is so ingrained in government that if the business fails, so does the government and that is going to lay on the politician that made the decision to be in bed with the business, so they have an un-ethical interest of making sure the business is shown in a good light and to make sure that business looks profitable which means the buseiness is shown to be an asset to the community and not a liability, if not in appearences only. Problems arising from these kinds of partnerships are many. For one thing a business could be losing money but still be making money for the government by paying taxes such as employee taxes and so on, so even if the business is a failure the government has a reason to keep funding the business with special tax breaks and incentives on an indivdual business basis and making it look good for the government bottom line, even if the government doesn't get its full tax money from the business, something is better than nothing and that something is usually tens of thousands of dollars. So, the government would rather recieve the $20K in taxes than end the business. If the government was supposed to collect $100K and only recieved $20K, then it is still spun as an asset to the community. If you or I owed $20K and couldn't pay it would they settle for $4K? Probably not. They would probably hold your feet to the fire for all $20K or you would have to get a lawyer for $5K and than maybe get it reduced to $12K, In the long run the businesses always get preferential treatment when they are partners with government. The most damaging part of this is the businesses that are truely independent and stand completely on their own two feet are at a real disadvantage becuse they aren't proped up by government and don't recieve special financial backing and special tax incentives by the government and most don't want them because they know there is a price to pay for that partnership. What is the price for the partnership? The price could be something like this, your business needs to contribute or endorse to Governor Smiths campaign or you might not get the special pernmit you need to do that project you wanted to do. The zoning over at your XYZ plant might be changed and then you have to move your business operations. You might encounter a new special fee for doing business in such and such area. Yep, its the old legal bribe game. That is why it has always been a bad idea for government and business to be partners because it creates corruption within the business and within government. Power hungry and greedy individuals play these games for their advantage, not the common good of citizens. This is the reason why we never hear about wages going up, because government and business are intertwined and one feeds the other. One part is the business controls the invisible money and the politicians need a money laundering source to get that money they all love. Since the politicians can't get to the government money without it being exposed, they need a source that has private finances where money transactions can be covered up. The politicians and businesses want to keep this relationship. The businesses don't want to pay more wages because this dips into the profit machine. Thats why we have the 40 million illegal immigrants in this country, to keep wages very low so the corporations don't have to give wage increases, if anything they lower the wages. This is the scenerio of why the politicians go around their elbows to get to their face when they try to convince Americans that illegal immigration is good for America, they know it is a flat out lie. Have you ever noticed how all these pro illegal groups get all loud and shout from the tops of their lungs saying illegal immigration is good for America like if they yell it that makes it true. The reason they have to get ugly and yell about it is because we aren't stupid like the illegals and you can't just tell us to believe something when we know differently. You can't convince someone the sky is green when we have eyes and we know that it is blue. It seems that is what they are trying to tell us. Of course all the high ranking people in these pro-illegal groups are doing pretty good financially and they are making money from the illegals as well. Thats how the world is now. As long as you make money off anything whether it be illegal or not, it's good for America. Every facet of the illegal immigrant movement is corrupt. The illegals broke the law to get here, stole identites and forged documents so they can make 10 times what they made in mexico, so of course they think its a great idea and they are more than willing to call americans racist and biggots while making the flase claims they contribute to America when we know for certian that they rake American tax payers over the coals with the cost of them being here. Then you have the employers which are making twice as much off the illegals as Americans, so yeah they love it. Then you have the politicians who get funded by the businesses that are making billions in profit off the illegals. So, everyone is doing great except the American workers and tax payers are who are hit with all the extra cost associated with the illegal invasion. To tell the American people anything different is anything but a the truth. While the American workers are going broke every other group supporting the illegals is making tons of money and are having a great time, they love it, everything is rosey and plentiful. Some people say the illegals are getting the raw deal but are they really? They had a choice to come here and make 6 to 20 times what they could make in their homeland, they chose to come here, that was their choice. They knew the deal and they chose it. They come here and take the jobs for less and the reason why many of them don't complain is because they plan on working here for 5 years or so and then going home where they sent their money. They don't plan on staying here and they don't want amnesty. The politicians keep throwing that out there to please a few that do want to stay here and for the pro-amnesty crowd. The reality is, they don't plan on making amnesty a reality and if they do it will be so some certian employers can be admonished from all wrong doing of hiring the illegals so they don't face millions of dollars in fee's, fines and have to forefit illegally gained profits, and they can keep the employees even if it cost them a little more by having them made legal. Plus it would cost them millions more to re-hire legal employee's. The truth is a very few want amnesty on the pro-illegal side and nobody wants amnesty on the pro-law enforcement side. What are we getting? Nothing, which is what most pro-illegal people want done, nothing. They like it that way. Even the foriegners and illegals have more representation than the American peope do. This has got to change and soon.

    #4. Stop the fascist games. Government isn't supposed to pick one business over another business, to do so is giving one business an unfair advantage over another like business. This is morally wrong and is against the constitution. This is nothing less than what Hugo Chavez does in Venzuela with his nationalism agenda, it is the exact same thing, just on a smaller scale. So remember when all the politicians complain about chavez, they are doing the same thing.


    We have two things that need to be done in the long run.

    1. In the short run every worker must get a minimum 40% raise next week. This ends foreclosures overnight. a two income household will make $1,850 more per month before taxes based on an employee making $15 an hour. This will be $1,000 more per month after taxes. This immidiately strengthens the economy and gives stability to the credit markets and financial insitutions. The credit crunch is gone like yesterdays trash. Capitol is once again availble for businesses and people. Also this makes government alot more tax revenue as people will make more and pay more taxes. So, you have two pluses already. It strengthens the housing market overnight and housing prices rise overnight thus eliminating hundreds of billions of dollars lost. Since the credit won't be needed as much interest rates will rise which further stabilizes the banking industry and eliminates credit card losses. Car reposessions go down over night thus helping the major car credit companies, car manufacturuers, car retailers, no major layoffs at credit and banking industries thus saving the tax base. This stops the ruin of millions of hard working Americans that deserve to get paid a decent living wage. This also makes healthcare more affordable as more people are able to pay their medical bills and insurance coverage payments. Giving workers a wage uplifts the communities because people will be able to make green improvements to their homes. It also help the businesses because capitol will be more available for them to upfit their businesses with green technology.

    Gas may become more expensive in the long run but with the added profit to the hurting car companies they can develop more fuel effecient cars for the near future. Peolpe will be healthier as they will be able to pay co-pays on doctor and dentist visits that they can't afford right now, they have an insurance policy that does no good because they cannot afford the co-pays and therefore the policy is useless unless there is a near life crises.

    I know, we will hear the businesses whine and moan but they are going to have to pay up sooner or later one way or another. As everyone is devestated the tax base will erode by massive amounts. You can tax the American people all you want but if they don't have the money, they don't have the money. You can't get blood out of a turnip. So, after the economy has been raveged by this depression that is upon us leaving the American people out of work and the tax base eroded there is only going to be two sources to get the money from and that is the businesses or sell the country out to foriegners and are the foreigners goingto want to buy a broken America? I don't think so. So, the businesses either do the right thing and give the workers a 40% raise now and avoid all the turmoil that is to come or they pay later when the turmoil comes. If they pay now then you've kept yourself in business because people have money to spend and keep you in business or they can take their chances of losing everything they have since the future is not certian in times of chaos. Thats the choices we have. Now, what are you going to do big business owners?

    #2. America needs to protect the borders and enforce the laws concerning illegal immigration. Keep the flow of legal workers to a minimum and strengthen you home base with the most productive work force in the world which are Americans. For the businesses, nothing is certian, you can open businesses all over the world but the stability factor is never going to be as good there as it could be here. You never know what forces can cause a big ripple in your businesses over seas, so it is safe to have a stabil economic system here in the United States to fall back on. With illegal immigrants running around everywhere doing who knows what and messing the economic eco chamber here in America isn't going to help your business. Its best to keep the workforce a hardy workforce with good wages, benefits and happy workers that will be loyal. Lets remember how you got where you are, American workers made you the billions and you need to remember that. As the saying goes, remember your roots and the people that got you where you are. So, even though the businesses may think otherwise, it is in your best interest to secure Americas borders and use American workers and pay those workers a good paycheck. Don't act like $10 or $14 an hour is a good paycheck, you know you couldn't make it on that and have a decent way of life for you and your children. Lets quit playing games and stop pretending like everything else is the problem here. We know what the problem is. #1 everyone needs a 40% pay raise and #2 we need to get the borders secured and the illegal work force out of here. You use the legal immigrants and give them the same raise as everyone else. Do these two things and everything is good.

    I know the businesses are going to say they will go out of business, well if you can't pay the workers enough to have people pay their bills and get ahead without using government handouts then you don't need to be in business right? When the workers are paid more, they will spend more and you'll make more sales and you'll make more money. You might have to hire more workers to make the same profit but thats ok. That will be a good plus for the economy won't it? Everyone has to eat some hay every now and then, including businesses. And if you feel like your not making enough money, then step out of the way, I'm sure somebody else will fill that void. And, you can always lobby the government to cut your payroll taxes and while your at it see if they'll cut ours too!

    The businesses will take the stand that America operates in a free market economy and thats what dictates wages, not the workers or government or what ever. But the fact is we don't have a free market economy. Most major businesses are interlocked with government on some level wether it be special tax breaks for some businesses while other same businesses don't get those same incentives. Then we have government-business (public-private partnerships) partnerships which give both the government and the business an advantage over other like businesses. The businesses have infuience over the political campaigns with their hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions, the American worker doesn't have this. Then you have a massive illegal workforce which alters the natural workforce for American workers. Then you also have the outsourcing of jobs overseas. All sides have a chair at the business table except the American worker, so we do not have a free market economy or workforce and if we did the minimum wage would be more like $13 an hour.

    Heres the deal businesses. Either feed the farm critters more hay so they can get fatter and make you more money per animal, or you starve the whole farm and deal with the sickness and hope you can keep it from spreading to your family. Its time to decide. A healthy farm or a sick farm?
    Unless we get those criminals & make them pay for what they have done to our country and the lawlessness they have sponsored, we are just another Mexico ourselves!

  2. #2
    JRB is offline
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    Sounds like an upside down funnel to me. Take the money from the Filthy Rich and give to the poor or Middle class. This is a well thought out plan and it could work, problem is those politicians have got the Poor and Middle class fighting against each other for the bread crumbs. It would take a United Effort and Im sure Washington would call that Treason. They like to use the word treason when it makes a person telling the truth look like the bad guy and it covers their lies. I hope everyone in ALIPAC reads this and sends a copy to all their friends and relatives and it crosses this nation. Its time for some truth and what you wrote is the truth. To bad none of our Cantidates for President was runing with this as an Agenda.

  3. #3
    TheOstrich's Avatar
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    I agree with you on tightening the borders, actually enforcing our internal immigration laws, and keeping the amount of new legal immigrants to a minimum, at least for the next several years.

    But, we need to cut our spending overseas, get rid of the IRS, and get rid of the Federal Reserve. Those things, which wouldn't happen overnight but over a period of years, would really help our economy. At least, they would help working people.

    Sometimes we are our own worst enemies too...we refuse to save any money as our grandparents did, instead taking an extra vacation, buying a house we can't afford, pampering our pets, purchasing all types of home electronics that we don't need, etc. So, our own self-control could go a long way towards restoring economic prosperity.


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