LETTERS: NCT, Oct. 22, 2011

How to know if you're a racist

Should you oppose President Obama, you're a racist. If you oppose Herman Cain, you're not.

Should you support the tea party movement, you're a racist. If you support the Occupy Wall Street movement, you're not.

If you think that illegal immigrants should be deported, you're a racist. If you think that illegal immigrants should be singled out for a free college education, you're not.

Should you be the least bit conservative, you're a racist. If you're a liberal, you're not.

If you're a white, middle-income, male veteran with a job, go to work every day, pay your taxes, pay your bills, support your church, support Little League, paid back your student loan (and your wife's), have a faded John McCain bumper sticker on your Ford, you must be a racist.

If you think you're "special" because of some perceived slight, you get to sling the "racist" arrow at whomever you like whenever you like.

If you believe that everyone should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin, you're Martin Luther King Jr.

John R.
Oceanside, CA

http://www.nctimes.com/news/opinion/let ... z1bXCyQi9H