I am not sure if this is of importance to anybody else as it is rather old,
but I just moved to Arizona & have always liked Senator McCain,
that's until he came out with his Immigration Reform.
I have been pestering his office and have done quite a bit of research on him
and I found this article which shows how our elected officials change their
mind and lie.

For Immediate Release Thursday, Oct 09, 1997
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Senator John McCain (R-AZ), in a speech in Reno, Nevada on October 3, spoke about the need for the Republican party to embrace the Hispanic community. Following is an excerpt of his speech to the Western Republican Party Conference:

"It doesn't matter what country you were born in. If you legally come to this country and assent to Mr. Jefferson's proposition, you are an American. And your rights are as precious to me as my own.

http://mccain.senate.gov/index.cfm?fuse ... ent_id=600
Now he did say "If you came to this country legally" right?