Huckabee is pro-amnesty for illegals and takes money from companies like Tyson Foods who are large employers of illegals. Unfortunately, Huckabee is also a supported of increases in H1-B visas for white collar foriegn cheap labor. What many people do not realize is that corporations are pushing on all fronts for cheap labor at the expense of American workers. And they are doing this in many ways such as amnesty for 20 million illegals, visas for cheap IT labor (mostly fron India and Eastern Europe) and so-called 'free trade' agreements which push jobs overseas to 30 cent per hour labor markets in China, SE Asia and Central America.
This are NOT unrelated and the common thread is cheap labor and the loss of American jobs! Please do not be fooled, both parties are guilty of selling us out for CASH from the interests that benefit from cheap labor, mostly trans-national corporations. Personally, I will not vote for ANY incumbant unless they have proven to be a friend of US workers. If these bums are voted out of office, then we will get politicians who will listen to the voters instead of lobbyists.