DOJ reports cartels targeting local cops in Arizona as National Guard leaves

Dave Gibson, drug cartel Examiner January 13, 2012 - Like this?

The Obama administration has been quietly withdrawing the majority of the 1,200 National Guard troops assigned to the U.S./Mexican border in 2010. After January, less than 300 troops will reportedly remain in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas combined.

According to Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), only 14 troops will remain along California’s border with Mexico.
The administration is pulling the troops seemingly in spite of a recent Department of Justice (DOJ) report that paints a very frightening picture for law enforcement along the Southwest border.

In September, the DOJ’s 2011 Drug Market Analysis for Arizona stated Mexican drug cartels “have begun to threaten local police officers to deter their enforcement activities. Violent criminal groups often referred to as border bandits, rip crews, or bajadores, operate along trafficking corridors in remote locations, preying upon law enforcement officers and smugglers who transit their territories.”

The report also details the expanded use by the cartels of street gangs in the Phoenix and Tucson areas. Local gangs such as Brown Pride distribute methamphetamine, marijuana and heroin at the street level in Tucson, while the New Mexican Mafia controls such sales in Phoenix.

The increased profits to such gangs are also resulting in larger gang participation which has resulted in more criminal activity overall.

The report states: “Drug-related incidents, such as robberies and home invasions constitute much of the violent and property crime committed in Phoenix and Tucson.”
You can read the Drug Market Analysis for Arizona in its entirety here:

DOJ reports cartels targeting local cops in Arizona as National Guard leaves - National drug cartel |