Media Advisory

For Immediate Release:
Reno, NV
Contact: Gary Becks (619)334-1655
The Nevada Republican Assembly held a Presidential Endorsing Convention on Sunday Jan 6, 2008, choosing Congressman Duncan Hunter with their endorsement. The endorsement by NVRA by over 2/3 majority is a significant statement about the character and principles of a living and practicing conservative Republican. Duncan Hunter's record as a 26 year member of Congress places him squarely at the lead of all the GOP contenders, as the standard bearer of conservative Republican example.
On Saturday Jan 5, at 1:00 PM Candidate Duncan Hunter addressed an enthusiastic crowd of convention attendees, by phone conference.
The President of the NVRA, Michael Kressler and the members of the NVRA are proud to endorse Duncan Hunter for President for his stand on the values of the sanctity of life, support of our constitution, 2nd Amendment rights, security of our borders, limited government, love of God, parental rights, Fair Trade, Fair Tax, educational excellence, state sovereignty, controlled spending and protection of private property.
Congressman Hunter was elated to receive word from NV campaign personnel just moments following the prestigious and important NVRA Nevada Republican Assembly endorsement.