The next time I questioned American freedoms vs Illegals was when recently my husband was layed off from a long time business that sold out.
Charlie was making $17 plus bonus and benefits as a welder.
Before that, he worked for another company I will initial as SWGC.

After Charlie was layed off a few months back, he went back to his former employer at SWGC where he had an outstanding reputation for his welding skills. Only now things were different. Although there were still many illegal Mexican's empoyed as before, they were now willing to work for $7 an hour. We knew a few as friends, we are not prejudice against the people themselves.

We knew that these guys all lived in a huge house with their families. There bills were very low because of this. We also knew have of their paychecks were also sent back to Mexico to support other family member.... removing it from our economy. I saw one guy driving a new car the other day.... we had to sell our for food since my respectable hard working American husband is now out of work.

Charlie applied anyway to SWGC, but was turned down... because the owner said she had all the Mexican employees she needed right now and she couldn't afford to pay Charlie what he made with them before (app. 22$ per hour). Basically the illegals are working for more than half of what Charlie would have made and used up all the jobs in her company. She wasn't about to pay a decent wage to a white man no matter how skilled when the illegals could do it for less.

Understand this brought the labor pay for such skills down to nothing. Its effected the entire area.

Now, I have sided that I am not against Mexican's. I support legal Mexican's who can learn our language and enter the country legally. But am so frustrated with the plight we are in because they are right here in our small community taking the good jobs and turning them into minimum wage jobs.