Fellow ALIPAC Activists,

One of the things we encourage all of our ALIPAC Activists to do is to monitor talk radio and make sure our unified message is heard through our calls to shows.

It is also a good way to direct fellow citizens to Americans for Legal Immigration aka ALIPAC.

In the last few nights, Alan Colmes and his Open Borders drivel has really annoyed me on Fox News Hannity and Colmes.

Last night he even said he liked the Spanish version of our national anthem and that it was just a song and a drinking song from another country that was a poor choice as a national anthem in the first place.

Tonight, as I traveled in my car, I came across his radio show. He opened the phone lines and gave out his number.

I got through on the first try. I told him I was William Gheen and that I worked with a group called AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

I was friendly with him and told him I wanted clarification on his comments about the Spanish version of our anthem.

He immediately answered me by playing a long clip of the offensive song on the air.

I asked him what was he saying about our anthem last night on Fox and he repeated his attack on our national anthem and went on to say that there were people out there spreading fear and apprehension about this simple song blah blah blah.

I told Alan Colmes that I did not vote to live in a bi-lingual society and that tampering with the lyrics and style of the American national anthem was offensive as it distorted something many Americans revere and honor.

He tried to claim we did not live in a bi-lingual society.

I told him then why are we spending billions of our tax dollars making every government document including voter registration forms in Spanish.

He quickly went to commercial

He came back on and the next caller was from Raleigh, NC as well and the caller gave his name and identified himself as Hispanic! The caller then went of on Alan and told him that changing our national anthem was as offensive as someone giving the Sacred Virgin of Guadalupe blond hair!

Alan again, quickly went to commercial!

We cannot allow these Open Borders Lobbyists OBLs to preach their poison without polite and professional correction. Remember, the public is on our side.

I even got to get our name out on the air so others that agree can join our efforts.

It felt good getting my teeth into Alan Colmes for a few minutes. I would love to have a longer debate with him where he does not have the power to cut me off and go to commercial. I have part of his backside in my freezer and I might fry it up for breakfast lol

Alan Colmes can't handle me and he can't handle you either. His point is radical and his views are deplorable. We speak for the majority of Americans!

Alan Colmes you can't handle the truth!

William Gheen