This country, and where it is heading ...there is just no end to the foolishness.

Obama on his multi-national tour -- taking credit for the Surge, yet stated that it was a bad idea. The arrogance of this clown is enough to make my BP spike indefinitely.

Bush, remaining silent as always. Illegals running around murdering innocent Americans, yet being covered up for it.

Our economy -- going into the tank, gas prices up and up. Prices of everything now -- up and up. I think a lot of it is just price GOUGING.

The endless cries of racisim - the PC crap, the Sheeple and their head in the sand attitude towards everything -- just head off to the Mall or out to the Club and forget it. The good is portrayed as bad and the bad as good. There is just so much confusion and no one can stand up to anything.

I just think it's all too much. I'm tired of working so hard and seeing my wallet being raided twice a month. My tax burden is enormous, yet if this creep Obama gets in, it will be even worth -- and I, as a white, middle class American, will see NONE of the benefits.

I am pulled by my kids, who want everything, my country, who wants everything of me. I have done without my spouse twice now in five years on 2 tours to Iraq. I mean -- I am a woman that is just being TAXED in so many ways . ..

Or I am ready to go live somewhere else, so whatever I do in life can be rewarded, not taxed and/or taken away.

Arrrggggh. Rant over -- just need to get it OUT -- the frustration. I just walk around in a slow simmer . ...and I wonder what it's going to do to me, my health, someday.