So these are the questions that always get an angry reaction of denial and most of the time "I have no time to argue with racists, leave me alone" responses.... the truth must hurt very badly...

a) if the pre-1965 country-quota was wrong because it discriminated in favor of (white) Europeans, then why is it not now wrong to tolerate the current DE FACTO discrimination in immigration that favors Mexicans?

b) if these new immigrants are so "good-hearted and hard-working" why did they leave Mexico in such bad shape? why are so many crowding our jails? Is Mexico not worth saving? Who will fix Mexico if not Mexicans?

c) what is the reputation of Latino management after 500 years of it in 20 countries south of the border? achieving 25% of US GDP with 50% more people...

d) the new Diversity: Latino-this, Hispanic-that, Chicano-the-other.... that's diversity, right?

typically only one of these questions is enough for the lefties to throw a fit, pout and leave....