
I support the Main Street Recovery Act 2010. You will sponsor it if you are smart. A smart politician would think strategically about their party's position this November. People want to help the unemployed, and the unemployed count for 17% of the voters. People do not like illegal aliens, and 75% of the voters want tough immigration reform. Combined the two would be a good wedge to get election victories. Therefore, propose a this new law with a media campaign, news releases and interviews talking about it.

The Main Street Recovery Act 2010 would add additional weeks of benefits for the unemployed, it would establish a national job registry that rewards employers hiring unemployed, while adding a recovery value fee to those who do not, it would provide training for the unemployed, it would stop all immigration until the unemployment rate was below 4.1%, it would establish a tariff trigger on nations that used slave-like labor, it would order the United States Military to take over border security, it would require that Homeland Security Department and ALL Law Enforcement vigorously investigate employers who hire illegal aliens -- with a national 800 hotline and quick response teams, it would raise fines for employing illegal aliens to a minimum $250,000 for offending business owners, managers, and corporate officers and 5 years felony prison time, it would enlist and aid states for prosecutions and imprisonment of offenders by assigning the fine as a reward to any state that arrested and prosecuted and imprisoned the offenders, it would support the 14th amendment by voiding citizenship of all anchor babies as well as foreigners such chinese embassy staff and Osama bin hidin en Running's relatives, financing would be offset by ending all government support of illegal aliens and their children. It would NOT talk about making illegal aliens citizens or guest workers -- leave that for another time.

What would my opposition do? Support the unemployed, end joblessness, and 95% of what they say they want regarding illegal immigration? Or oppose the bill and incur total wrath of the People. If I were a smart leader, I would love to propose and champion such a bill. All I have to do is tell my caucus "you are going to do this or die politically" and like good tin soldiers they would do it. The American People would be 75% supportive, and my opposition would either hand me a victory or fight against the Will of the People and lose BIG TIME.