(This is from a progressive website called FiredogLake. some former Government staffers are sharing tips on how to be effective at contacting Congress, and like ALIPAC already appears to know, IT IS ALL ABOUT THE NUMBER COUNT AND NOT REALLY ABOUT GIVING SPEECHES or making court closing arguments. Right now CNN reported that the Dream Act corporations have set up call centers in New York and Los Angeles, where college students (mostly of first generation latino backgrounds, that speak English without an accent, in order to make politicians think that every day americans are also on board with this Nightmare Act madness) are calling the Senate to push their agenda.
Progressive Groups are gearing up to take down Obama over the extended tax cuts, so when we make our calls, lines will be more busy but head to a kinkos and send out a fax for NO ON DREAM ACT AND AMNESTY and then keep their numbers on redial. )

How to Maximize Your Efforts in Contacting Congress
By: Mauimom Friday December 10, 2010 1:29 pm
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Folks watching Bernie Sanders filibuster and lay into Obama are “talkingâ€