I know I searched the archives a couple of years ago and could not find anything.

It's a show that a lot of people watch and maybe they would be impartial and weigh the numbers because no one seems to consider how much this would cost us in the long-run.

The thing is we never asked them to come here and break the law and we should not have to pay for it.

If the Dem's care so much for these students, which is what they imply are so much better then our students, then let them foot the bill for their education - NOT US!

Maybe now these "anchors" can at least learn something from the law (what we have left of it) that their parents made the choice to come here illegally and now that is why they are in purgatory.

I am a Medicaid worker and you don't know how sick I get of seeing them work the system. They it's like you have to pander to them....language line for an interpreter, cannot ask them if they are a legal citizen, etc.

And here's something else none of else can understand - when an illegal applies for food stamps, the system gives them a 50% disregard on their income enabling them to get much more food stamps than our seniors.

A Senior will usually get about $14 per month versus $200 $300, or $400 per month depending on how many anchor babies they have spit out.

They lie - never a daddy in the household. And, if they say they are not working there's no social security number to verify their income.

There's just too much to tell from my end of it that I will have to continue tomorrow - just feels good to get it of my chest!