I'm not waving the white flag here, folks.....far from it. I'm still in this fight, and I'm not going anywhere unless asked to. But I have something to say....

I don't think the tactics Americans who want to stop illegal immigration have used thus far are working. It's been like trying to kill an elephant with a squirt gun.

The illegal alien invaders have four huge things going for them: (1) they massively outbreed Americans; (2) there's too much apathy and ignorance on the part of most Americans regarding the illegal invasion; (3) there are a U.S. government, U.S. businesses, U.S. employers, and U.S. mainstream media who welcome them here; and (4) they have the fierce protection from the ACLU, the Catholic Church, and many other influential human rights organizations.

Their army is MASSIVELY stronger than our army. They're winning. If you don't believe this, then come to Southern California and see for yourself. They ARE succeeding in taking over the Southwestern United States.

So what can we do? Try to elect anti-illegal immigration, pro-American leaders? That isn't working, especially in the Southwest where most politicians are for open borders and amnesty. We've seen what happens to anybody who takes a stand against the illegals. They are immediately subjected to lawsuits and claims of unconstitutionality. The fierce protectors of the illegal invaders quickly squash anybody who takes a real stand against them.

This bizarre new American idealism of political correctness and multiculturism has taken hold of not only the vast majority of our government, but the vast majority of Americans as well. And those of us who don't subscribe to this new idealism are seen as racist and nativist. I see this new idealism in America as being as radical and dangerous to America as radical Islam is.

But I'll keep hanging in here and I'll keep fighting, even though I feel it does very little good .