I am not sure what this signifies but Congressman Conyers had a lawsuit going against Bush & Co. Information was posted daily on the site. The last post I saw stated that the judge appointed to hear the case was a "recent Bush appointee".

We all know the grandstand Senator Feingold made with his resolution to censure. It was all over his website.

Here's the kicker... as of last week both sites have removed all traces of the law suit and the resolution to censure. I have to ask myself why.

Soooooooo does that mean that there is no longer an option to sue or censure the executive?

IF we were not at war then Bush and Co could not avoid subpoenias by hiding behind "national security" and the nasty business they conducted would be able to be presented and a case built for impeachment. I still say (and this is a risky statement to make - it got my letter on congress.org pulled) we should withdraw from the U.N. OR maybe States will get their spine and rethink alliances. {read my mind on that last statement} It is just a wicked thought that would leave Jorge holding the bag with his bankers. I have to endulge myself with them sometimes.

I'm all for Tancredo and Sessions these are honorable men. Steve King and Hayworth are also strong people. Hayworth got my respect when he basically told Fox to but the .... out of our politics. Regarding 2008, we still have to deal with the "hollow" vote phenomenon that seems to have come into voque in the past two elections.

Investigations continue on the Ohio vote fraud and in fact there is a federal document published on it but nothing happens. Has anyone heard anything on that front?

I had seen a movement that is an alternate method for states to use as far as voting and it is constitutional. I don't remember the name of the site but it was something like One Vote. I'll look that up and post it. At least this time we have fair warning. Maybe we can have our ducks in a row by 2008.

The election this fall is critical. Votes cannot go strick party line rebellion because the rogue Republicans are the ones holding the line for the House. Guess we all have to do our homework and check voting patterns especially on this subject. My great fear is that no matter who runs in 2008 our votes won't matter.

On the upside Jorge has tossed the glove to the Congress with the FBI unconstitutional behavior. This could prove interesting but probably not fruitful to get the jerk out of office.

Also something worthy of note. The Canadian Prime Minister is not keen on the agreement to open the borders. Maybe they will back out of the agreement ....??? One can only hope.

GO here you will find some hope! http://www.teamamericapac.org/index.php?p=2