To my fellow Americans, I am depressed and nearing my wits end! Don't get me wrong, I still have fight in me (or is it rage?) but the glimmer of hope is starting to fade. After seeing that the criminal Dems. have stripped a critical provision from the so called Stimulus bill that would have prevented illegals from taking jobs created by the stimulus, I about blew a gasket. My own job is in jeopardy, Americans are losing jobs by the millions but these traitors want to give jobs to people that have broken into and plundered our country?!! Think about it! What greater treason is this! Is this a waking nightmare??? This freaking stimulus bill wouldn't even be needed if it weren't for the criminal actions of these animals in our government!! Yes, ANIMALS! To add insult to injury, the Dems. are starting a movement to halt the border fence!!! It feels like they are trying to reduce us to nothing but sedated sheep who will dazedly wander into whatever pen they herd us into. Am I alone or are our numbers too small to make a difference?? I'm contributing, calling, faxing and preaching but sometimes it all seems for naught. Yes, I know, this is a rant and I thank you for listening! Sedate me, tell me to shut up or give me reason to hope!!!