All of you are not Stupid, Ignorrant, uneducated , Although I failed typing class in Jr. High lol.
Lateley Alot of my posts have been srongly worded and how do i say....Passionate. I like all of you love this great nation and we are not just talkers we are movers and shakers. And just by being here you are being the patriots extraordinare. Going beyond the average citizens duties
voicing your thoughts , protecting your rights and the rights of our future generations.
I know that we will find a way to push back . And make our fellow Americans stand for the gound on which they stand. If we can get this heard through out America somehow ... that will make a difference.
If we need some money to orginize marches why not ask for a grants from our ever so rich Government.
But i know that in the end our message will get heard. And if the American people fail to react to the threat than i would question thier loyalties too.
But you will know that you have put in the good fight , you tried to make a difference and what could be more honorable than that !!!
We are not defeated not by a long shot . I just wanted to say that i a proud to be a part of this effort too.
And passionate that i am , i would hope that we ignite that passion in our fellow citizens too !

God bless you all for everythibg you are doing!!!!!!
Your efforts are not going unnoticed i guarantee!!!!
the more Oppression we get the better job we are doing so keep up the good work !! I will be trying here too !!

Always a Legal Patriot and Citizen too
Steven Doherty