Hmmmmm.......thought this might be interesting to show just how big the problem is and just how many are here illegally. Some are from places such as Australia, and some from Russia, but the majority are from......(drum roll please)!! You guessed it, Mexico.

Happy reading folks, if people from all other states can get this same list and make copies, then send them out to their senators who refuse to do what they need to do, to ICE and our own useless local politicians who refuse to act, make them see what their inactions are causing their communities and their states.

Make copies of your own states corrections page like this and show everyone you know, if nothing else has worked to get their attention, this will!!

Scroll down to the story dated September 4th labeled "Labor Day Rant" and click the highlighted word "HERE", this will bring up the list. Then I am sure you can find one in your own state.