For those of you who are unaware alipac members from Idaho have been fighting Mexico putting in a Consulate in Bosie...
below is the letter I put in 3 major newspapers in Idaho....

below that is a letter from congressmen Sali that was in the news this morning

We have also been able to recruit Judical Watch to look into this, they have filed the papers under the "freedom of Information Act" to see what papers have been filed and what they have done already...great bunch of people at Judical Watch...they are true American Patriots. See reply from them below....

The reason I am posting this is so all of you know there are ways to fight these things and get politicans and the public's attention on the important issues in our states and country....Just be persistant, demanding and let them know you will not let it go...

My Letter to the Editor

MEXICO: Consulate coming to Boise

Posted: Saturday, Mar 08, 2008 - 07:44:27 pm PST
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Are the citizens of Idaho excited about the tsunami of illegal immigrants soon to be flooding in via Idaho's new Mexican Consulate?

The news blackout on the Consulate has been outrageously underhanded. No state or federal elected official has had the courage to face Idahoans for fear of our outrage, let alone to let us be part of this major decision. The Mexican Consulate came here straight from the demands of the Mexican government, activists with ties to the Mexican government and with the aide of big business, big ag and their letters of recommendation. Theirs is the only side of the story the U.S. State Department has heard. Our elected officials are not doing the job of representing Idaho citizens. Big ag and business fill their campaign coffers and will benefit at the expense of Idaho's citizens.

What does a Consulate bring to Idaho? Rep. Bill Sali's office says to help legal immigrants with passports, but they do so much more. The Mexican Consulates pass out Matricula Consular cards. Illegal immigrants flood to areas surrounding them in order to obtain and use this card, given out to any illegal alien with a fraudulent ID, without background checks. It is used to obtain drivers' licenses and open bank accounts, but more importantly, it gives illegal immigrants access to taxpayer funded benefits such as welfare. Americans are being taxed without being represented and already, Idaho's mobile consulate has led to the growth of illegal immigrants in this state to more than 110,000, as of 2005.

President Calderon stacks the Consulates with Mexican lawyers for the sole purpose of harassing, through never-ending litigation, America and her laws for the benefit of keeping illegal aliens in the U.S.

Soon to come to Idaho is an increase in criminal aliens, too, from sex offenders, vehicular homicides to violent gangs, such as MS13.

The citizens of Idaho are perched on the edge of a dangerous precipice. Let's not let Sens. Crapo and Craig, Reps. Sali and Simpson, Gov. Otter, or our state-elected officials get away with hiding under their rocks any longer from something so destructive to our state. They must be forced by citizens to come out and face the music!


Rep. Sali's letter to the editor!! I belive I am the" One of the readers in his article!

CONSULATE: We need assurance of safety
Posted: Saturday, Mar 15, 2008 - 08:15:40 pm PDT
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I am concerned about plans to open a Mexican consulate in Boise, and I am opposed to opening a consulate that would be used to aid illegal immigration. One of your readers was not clear about my position in a letter earlier this month. My concern about the consulate stems from the fact that other consulates have been used for the purpose helping illegal immigrants evade U.S. law. Among their services to aid legal immigrants and support trade, Mexican consulates have been used in other states to issue identification cards, allowing illegal immigrants who have no legal identification to be able to gain access to bank accounts, housing, insurance and other services. The underlying concern is simple: If you're here legally, you already have a means of identification -- a green card, a visa, a passport. Only those who are here illegally have no legal form of identification. I have mailed a letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asking her to weigh in on the issue.

Additionally, Mexico's consulates have been used to lobby local and state governments for special rights and privileges for illegal immigrants and to help illegal immigrants avoid deportation.

Secretary Rice needs to know that we welcome the presence of legal Mexican immigrants in Idaho and also welcome facilities that would enable them to obtain necessary services from their home government. However, Idaho is one of many states plagued by a significant presence of illegal immigrants. The possible presence of a Mexican consulate has provoked concern among many of my constituents that the consulate could be misused by Mexicans who are in Idaho illegally to actually foster their continued illegal presence in our state.

Idahoans are entitled to straight answers: Secretary Rice should be able to ensure the good intentions of the consular officials. They deserve reassurance that a consulate office in Boise will not be exploited by those who, desiring or possessing false documentation, could gain illicit "legal" standing in Idaho by taking advantage of the good offices of a consulate in Boise. If Secretary Rice is unable to provide that assurance, I will do what I can to oppose the opening of the consulate office.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to clarify this matter.


1st District Congressman


Message from Judical Watch

Question to Chris:

I asked Chris at Judicial Watch if it was appropriate to let Congressmen, citizens, etc… know that I had involved Judicial Watch in the proceedings of the consulate.

Is there any reason to keep what you are doing for us quiet?

Answer from Judicial Watch

Not in the least. I would let all interested parties know we’re involved. The fact that we are not at all shy about litigating these matters will encourage some, scare a few and at least raise the eyebrows of the remaining others.


You can make a difference just don't give up, stay on them and let them know you are not going want Law and Order restored in America, it is your country fight for it!!

Above all do not let these Ethnocentric radical racist groups get to you with their racist and Hate crap they use to intimidate you, and try to shut you up, as long as we have the second amendment we have freedom of speech and we need to use it.