If immigration is such an issue in this country then why are the Democrats going to do so well next week? I didn't vote for any Democrats did you? (I voted early!)

Does the voter know that a vote for a DEMOCRAT is a vote for amnesty and more immigration? Does the voter know that the leaders of La Raza, Maldef etc are DEMOCRATS?

This immigration anger was supposed to be such a big issue and I am not seeing it on a national level. What happened to the debate?

If the DEMOCRATS take the House then there will be amnesty and there will be no control over immigration for 10, 20 30 years and maybe never.

This fence, if ever built, is a start but it never goes FAR enough. Fence 700 miles and leave the 1400 without a fence? The illegals will enter elsewhere.

I am sorry but I have given up any hope for immigration control. Really!
If the American voter puts DEMS in power because they are mad at Bush over Iraq then let the illegals in and dismantle the border patrol. I mean is the voter so stupid to see that Bush is NOT leaving Iraq?

Illegal immigration can be stopped in 6 months but our politicans will not stop it and the efforts of Tancreedo et al are all in vain if those DEMS take the house next week.

It will be amnesty city and the messgae to Latin America will be KEEP SENDING THEM NORTH AMIGO!

This is a sinking ship! Everytime I think maybe some politician will do something about ILLEGAL immigration nothing is done. Then some town in PA gets tough and here comes the ACLU to the rescue of the illegals. The DEMOCRATIC Party is LA RAZA, MALDEF, Southern Poverty Law Center etc! The ship is sinking!