I've been thinking about this for quite a while.

If you could go back in time, what decade or age would you want to be again??

For me, I'd have to say it was the period between 1978 - 1988. I was 8-18 years old in that time period and I was pretty darn happy. I felt secure and hopeful, like I had the world by the balls. Reagan was POTUS and my parents were still together.

We spent many fun weekends on the Colorado River in AZ. My dad used to race boats there with all his crazy friends. We really never had a lot of money, but we had enough to have fun with. In 1988 my parents split up (a huge surprise to me and my brother because they rarely fought) and it seems like I was never able to recapture that feeling of security and contentment again after that.

I know we shouldn't look back too much. Who knows, maybe when Im 80 I will look back at THIS time in my life as one of the best. Sometimes I just wish I could get the excited, hopeful feeling again like when I was a kid. I used to be so happy, I was literally giddy with joy at times. I haven't felt like that for a long time. It's almost like I know too much or something...

Im not complaining, I have a pretty good life right now and lots to be thankful for. I was just wondering if there are others out there who think about thier "good old days" sometimes....I'd love to know your story if you have time to tell it.