
I have a question. Please tell me if I am correct in my thinking on this.

Let's say an American family is living month to month or paycheck to paycheck as most are. The American savings rate went negative for the first time every a few years ago, so we can assume that the average American family has little to no savings. Or we could just say their savings are likely to be less than their monthly income.

Ok, so let's say this family of 4 is one of the few remaining nuclear families.

If this family has an outstanding balance on their mortgage of $150,000, and $5,000 in medical bills, and $10,000 in student loans, and about $5,000 in credit card debt, that would mean the family has a negative net worth of negative 170,000 dollars minus whatever their belongings would total up to.

So if you estimated the value of the family's electronics, vehehicles, jewelry, etc....

You could probably say the family had a negative net worth of -160,000.

However, could we not add the average of $80,000 per American in debt we each owe under the Full Faith and Credit of the American government? Since our governmental debts have risen so dramatically in the last two years, and the average America owes 80,000 plus interest on that 13 trillion in debt, would that not add another -320,000 to this family of 4?

Would this not mean that the family I described has a net worth of - 480,000?

Yes or no? The family I described has a net worth of -480,000 which means the people in this American family are much worse off than the illegal aliens with no belongings rushing over our borders each night?

Perhaps the illegals should run back home for their own good?