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Immigration: Mexicans who want Mexicans to stay home
From our colleagues on the L.A. Now blog...

The cash and stories of a better life that many Mexican migrant workers send back home often entice many of their relatives and friends to join the northward migration. But, Centelia Maldonado, an activist from the Mexican state of Oaxaca, wants to explore the other side of that story: the one about the dangerous border crossings, back -breaking work and, recently, the shrinking number of jobs.

That is why earlier this week she and a group of other activists arrived in San Diego to speak to Oaxacan laborers about their day-to-day struggle north of the border, said the North County Times. The goal is to spread the other side of the migrant story as part of an effort to expand jobs and businesses in culturally-rich but impoverished Oaxaca.

"We want to let people know the suffering people go through and to look for alternatives" to migration, Maldonado said.

Read the rest of the post at L.A. Now.

-- Jesus Sanchez

Photo: Los Angeles Times

April 18, 2008 in Immigration

http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/laplaza ... ho-wa.html