Illegal immigrants cost the country billions

November 16, 2011 10:20 pm

The Cokie and Steven Roberts Nov. 13 is titled "Base immigration policy on facts." Yet, the Robertses begin their article with an non-factual rant about the Republicans' stupid stance on immigration, as shown in the GOP presidential primary debates.

They then deliberately fail to distinguish between legal and illegal immigration, a common ploy by liberals to confuse voters. The Robertses state that "Immigrants contribute enormously to America's economic well-being." True for legal immigrants, not true for illegal immigrants.

The GOP presidential primary debates discuss illegal immigration only. A study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimates that illegal immigration now costs federal and local taxpayers $113 billion per year. The report, The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on U.S. Taxpayers, is the most comprehensive analysis of how much the estimated 13 million illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children cost federal, state and local governments. Here is the link:

There are other, corroborating reports.

Next, the commentary falsely insinuates that there is Republican objection to highly educated/skilled scientist immigrants. False! These technology workers are admitted temporarily under the H1-B visa program, allowing a maximum 65,000 workers a year. Republicans in Congress try each year to increase this allowance, but every time Democrats stop them. Why? Because the Democrats know that these highly educated and skilled immigrants will become successful here, do not join labor unions, and eventually become citizens who vote Republican.

Democrats want un-educated and un-skilled illegal immigrants who will need and benefit from our public support system, who will join labor unions, and who will also become citizens who will vote Democratic.

Yes, C&SR, it is that simple, and you know it!

Svend Hoyer-Nielsen

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