It is great to see so many new people perusing our website.

On behalf of the ALIPAC Team, WELCOME!

Please take some time to explore our operations and please consider signing up for our e-mail alerts using the box in the upper left of your screen titled "Join the ALIPAC Email Alert List"

Many of you may want to sign up as volunteers and/or contributors and you may use those features listed on the top blue tool bar on each page of the site.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them here or to write me at

We apologize for our slow website, but so many people are crowding on right now we have over 1200 people on the whole site and over 140 visiting this Discussion Groups area right now due to the illegal alien marches and our press coverage today. Things should clear up soon.

It is great to see so much new interest in our organization and again...

Welcome to ALIPAC Americans for Legal Immigration PAC

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC