H2 Note: The author's pro-amnesty mindset is the same philosophy now promoting amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens who have driven down the pay scale and standard of living for American Workers and made thousands of Underground Economy employers filthy rich.

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Illegal immigrants work jobs others won't


In reference to a letter by Paul Sohm, published April 27: If all illegal immigrants were deported, our agricultural industry would collapse, a lot of hotels and resorts would close for lack of help, and the construction industry in southern states would probably not exist.

I lived in Florida for 20 years and watched construction employees working in full sun in 90-degree temperatures with equally high humidity. Sen. John McCain offered to pay $50 per hour to any citizen who could work for 8 hours in the lettuce fields. Americans would rather apply for welfare than work under the conditions that many immigrants are willing to accept.

I have no ideas for solving our immigration problems, but what we really need is a sensible guest-worker program to give security to those who are willing to work and protect them from exploitation in any way.

I find it difficult to castigate anyone who is willing to live in a migrant workers' camp with up to a dozen men sleeping in one trailer, and to work in a miserable environment for meager pay in order to send money home to feed their families. They put our American work ethic to shame.

Jane M. Scanlon

source: Illegal immigrants work jobs others won't - Post Bulletin