[/b]I want to start this with no matter my opinion I am no racist never have been and was raised by my parents to never be.
I dont worry about myself often, Im more worried not only about my childrens future but every childs future. I was raised that wrong was wrong and I could make good choices if I choose to. I was raised with a mom who's friends were cops and I was raised to trust and obey them. Today though children of illegal immigrants are taught to fear them. They dont want to call them in fear of deportation. Arizona is not a state lead by hate or racist people. We are in a state of dispair we need help. if nobody remembers not to far back there were late night meetings about Arizonas budget crisis. We were in fear of loss of Arizonas government. That meant police officers, Firefighters, government workers and teachers would be laid off. Laying teachers off effects our children they would be made to face larger classroom sizes, and less individual attention that they already recieve. The fact is Arizonas classroom sizes are already out of hand 25-30 children per classroom. If Arizona keeps taking care of Illegal immigrants and there families our families and our childerens futures will be jeopardized.
American children are loosing their rights to a fair education. Like I said when America takes care of residents other then Americans we cannot afford to take care of ourselves.
So Arizona started making budget cuts, first to go all day Kindergarten, college grants, and loans our wonderful president promised to increase are much harder to obtain, and far and few between.
Child Abuse Prevention programs lost funding.
Arizonas Hud housing Recreational rooms that were provided to give children a place to play have fun and be safe were closed for lack of funding. Sending at risk teens out on the streets late at night Potentially increasing their risks to become criminals or commit acts of violence.
The scary thing is that when they do children and their families that are illegal will most likley be to affraid to come forth and report it to authorities for fear of racial profiling or deportation.
Illegal Immigrants need to realize this is America.
America has laws and if they are affraid of law enforcment then they must be breaking the laws. Sorry if it sounds harsh or is offensive but Illegal is just that ILLEGAL. Arizona is broke plain and simple its a fact, a fact thats been building since Janet Napolitano was in office. She didn't follow the government laws on Illegal imigration thats not Jan Brewers fault. You cant break what you have already broke. Napolitano put us here and if Jan brewer didn't act and say its enough we were generous enough we dont have anything left to give, We cant even take care of our own people how can anyone expect Arizona the state that more then half of the Illegal immigrants enter into lay down and except the fact that people are stealing from us our children and last but not least Americas future.