I'm new and abashed. Last night at my son's 39th birthday party his stepmother arrived with her niece who had jetted in directly from Dubai. She was hugely 8 months or more pregnant. She announced that she left her other two children behind and broght this one so that she could come to america for his birth so that he could be born a naturalized citizen. I was shocked. She was planning to name him Hadi which is Arabic for "the quiet one" kind of like "the sleeper." After we all went home I called the step mother and asked if the niece was an american citizen and she said no. I told her that it was illegal to enter this country on a visa for the sole purpose of have a baby to gain citizenship. She told me that the customs agents told her it was okay. Help me you guys. Am I going crazy. Is this legal or not????

Time is ticking
Marti Settle
Denton, Texas