When certain people find out my identity, I will be outcast instead of outspoken, but this is my opinion anyway!

Everyone is saying that no one should hire, or rent to illegal Mexicans. What about illegal Indians? Mexicans didn't cause 911! They are not taking jobs from us, or causing lower wages. We don't even want to do the jobs that the Mexicans are doing. What about going into a convenient store...pick one. Chances are it's owned by an Indian that is getting tax breaks, and then afer their time is up, they pass it on to a family member so they can continue to get the tax break. I owned a convenient store. I didn't get a tax break!!! If you were one day behind on the taxes, they were ready to charge you an ungodly amount of interest.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country, and am proud to be an American, but fair is fair! If we, who have been born in this country, and worked hard to get what we have don't get any help or tax breaks, why give it to the foreigners that hate us? At least the Mexicans don't hate us. They are coming here to try to do the same thing we are doing...trying to have a decent life! They don't ask for tax breaks, or anything any more than we ourselves are asking for.

It really makes me furious to go into a convenient store, or motel, and see a foreigner making it on our money! We are working, and paying our taxes so that they can get the breaks! What's wrong with this picture?!