Read an article in the AJC today that mentioned illegals' comparing their plights to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's. How dare they!

I'm a cultural African American whose ancestors were brought here against their wills during antebellum slave trade era.... whose parents and grandparents were victims to Jim Crow era South, and since they'd ALREADY BEEN HERE FOR GENERATIONS, fought for equal rights.
My ancestors were made legal citizens of this country through Constitutional Amendments in an effort for America to right past wrongs.

African Americans were brought here. Big difference.
We did not climb over a fence, crawl through a tunnel, hide inside a dashboard, run across a freeway, or walk across the border to come here illegally.
The plight of African Americans during the Civil Rights Era of 1960's is NOT THE SAME as illegal,undocumented people who are demanding something of the US government that is not theirs to begin with.

My 23 year old son has his own term for what illegals are doing. He calls it: "PIMPING THE SYSTEM."