FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2007

Illegals' contempt for America

Ann Coulters' column "Bush's America: Roach motel" is a desperate attempt to shaken the complacency of American people and act for the survival of the nation.

Coulter is right when she says that "whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population." That is absolutely true.

The damage Democrats are doing to America is really outrageous. Leftist Democrats are really destroying this beautiful country: the Quran, Karl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, Fidel Castro, the murderer Che Guevara and pineapple head Hugo Chavez are more respected in America than George Washington.

The American flag is offensive to illegal immigrants. Speaking English to a non-speaking immigrant is considered "insensitive" and "intolerant." All religions are the same – teach peace and tolerance, except Christianity.

"Diversity" teaches that Latinos, like me, must be given priority in hiring before white men because I am a "minority." Illegal aliens are not more illegal aliens; they are "undocumented." "Minorities" are not supposed to vote Republican but Democrat.

President Bush, the Wall Street Journal, McCain and the Democrat-communists ignore that these "hard-working immigrants" hate America and love Mexico. They wave Mexican flags and honor Che Guevara instead of honoring our Founding Fathers. They adore Chavez for calling Bush "diablo."

Illegal aliens' motto is not "God Bless America," but "Si Se puede. Aqui Estamos y aqui nos quedamos."

Caesar M. Arevalo

Can someone translate the last sentence in Spanish to English. I can only understand the first four words. Thanks.