We have all noticed the new way the illegals are being told to act and talk and what to wave in the air when they march to demand their rights in America, although they are illegal.

Now the American flag is being used, and in Dallas, they played "Proud to be an American".

Well I will let you in on a little secret. I live in a 99.99% Hispanic complex, meaning, I and my family and one other single guy are the ONLY Americans.

Since this last Thursday we have had a large flag out, and the glares and dirty looks have not stopped.

So all that flag waving is, from what I am experiencing here, is nothing more than a ruse. A whitewashing of their real feelings for our flag and us as Americans.

They are now attempting to look patriotic in order to placate people like ourselves who have been advocating no amnesty and building a wall.

The reason in my humble opinion is that right now, we are the ones with the voting power and voice in this government. They know it, why else would they now be trying to undo the insult they have previously thrown in our faces?

Be careful about getting lulled into believiing what you see. Yes, there might be some who are good people, love being here, but yet they came here illegally and that is wrong.

What I see in my complex every day is a great dislike for the symbolism of that flag. Do I believe they would like to come tear it down? Yes, most definitely, they already tore one of my flags down, this one's on a brass pole, it is going nowhere!!