Illegals in, politicians out

Amnesty is appalling.
This is a huge matter of national security that U.S. Sens. Arlen Specter and Robert Casey seem to take lightly. They voted to support amnesty.

Do they not remember Sept. 11, 2001? We have no idea who is here illegally, and these politicians embrace amnesty? Wake up. Remember the attacks on 9/11 to the recent attempt on Fort Dix.

Amnesty has not worked in the past. If someone broke into your house, would your solution be to give him or her a key? If they stole a candy bar, would you reward them with a box of candy bars?

They are here illegally. Why reward them with citizenship? They did not obey the laws from the start. Does anyone really believe they will after they are given citizenship? This move will be the anchor that pulls under already-in-jeopardy programs like Social Security, welfare, Medicare, etc.

If given amnesty, they will have rights to these programs like you do.

These people are not going to contribute to these programs. They will only pull from them. Most are non-skilled laborers who do not pay taxes. (How could they without a Social Security number?) Does anyone really think they will pay taxes if given amnesty?

The real question the American people should be asking is why are the politicians so focused and in such a hurry to pass this amnesty bill while our young men and women are putting their lives on the line for our freedom?

These politicians cannot agree on further funding for the soldiers or to bring them home, but they can agree to give our country away to the illegals. We voted them in; we can vote them out.

David Adler
Chippewa Township ... 8566&rfi=6