I am so sick of hearing these illegals, legals and Mexico say, that their migrants die in the desert......or their boat flips over and they die....etc.

I did not tell them to leave their country to come here across the desert or gang up in some small boat!

I am tired of President Fox insinuating that it's our fault he's a failure!

I am sick of hearing these illegals think it's their right to come here and take our jobs....the "we just want to work" thing is getting old.

I am sick of Prez Fox not taking responsibility for any of this! He is a failed Prez., we need to bombard him with emails!

Those that are protesting here, need to go back and protest in their own Country.....storm Prez Fox's home....knock down fences around his place, demand change there!!!

Our government should not force American's to care for the world, by either taking our jobs away from us to give to foreign countries or giving them to illegals.....or in aid....I'm tired of our Country being the bank for the world.