There seems to be scads of these "immigration attorneys" around. Any big city, any corner. I'm not positive, but I'll take a wild guess that one of their jobs is to stop us from enforcing our immigration laws and to enable their foreign clients to get around US laws, evade deportation etc etc.

Since each state has a bar association I believe you can check online who has a current license to practice law and who does not by just putting in a name.

If illegals can get phony ID, wouldn't some of them also easily purchase phony licenses, attorney, PHD, Doctor, etc. etc.?

There's diploma mills that will sell anyone a fraudulent document saying you completed university, served in the armed forces, etc etc. These paper factories are harder to find now than they were twenty years ago, but they're out there. Plus illegal know of other sources where they can find whatever document they want.

Does any official organization verify if these attorneys are who they claim they are? If even one or two were exposed as phony, it would probably mean the illegals they helped would be back to square one.

Several times in the past, some of our own lawmakers were caught using phony documents of schools they never attended and so forth. In that same vein I wonder if these fancy spokesholes of Lulac and La Raza have the background and education they claim they have. I have nothing concrete but suspicions, however using phony documents is standard modus operandi for illegals. Why would they stop at just a ssn#?

Your thoughts?