Did anyone see Elizabeth Dole's statement from her website?


I voted against the 2006 Senate immigration reform bill which includes amnesty. I have maintained that securing our borders and enforcing current laws must come first – and unfortunately this bill puts amnesty first. I would support using a temporary worker program to help fill jobs that American workers do not want. But I cannot and will not support granting amnesty to those who have broken our laws and entered this nation illegally.

In addition, the Senate bill contains a number of provisions that just defy common sense, such as allowing illegal immigrants who fraudulently use a U.S. citizen’s Social Security number to accumulate and collect benefits from an already tight Social Security trust fund!

As we saw in 1986, passing an amnesty bill is not going to solve the problem of large scale illegal immigration – to solve this problem, we need strict border enforcement, effective work place verification, and a program for genuinely temporary workers.

Elizabeth Dole

Emphasis in bold print is mine. Anyone else seen or heard anything about this part of the bill? Can anyone elaborate?