Numerous studies have shown how the typical American has little knowledge about our world. Politicians are as bad as any group when it comes to being aware of anything outside their narrow frame of reference.

So many idiots, so little time!!!!

So....... with so many politicians and immigration supporters clamoring for more more MORE people!!!! Let the immigrants, both legal and illegal, flock in... the more the better!!!!! Let's get a billion people in our country!!!!

Uhhhhh, yeah, sure.

Then there was the TV show last night with some blithering idiot names Stossel spewing about how much room there is to expand!!! Expand the cities!!!! There's LOTS of room!!!!!!

Well, here is but ONE aspect of how we will convert the USA into a 3rd-world country if the population keeps growing by leaps and bounds.

Water. The lack of it. Those living in the arid west SHOULD know of the perils facing the expanding population out there. Well, the water problem also exists further east.

Read the linked-to story for more ammunition to fight the idiotic buffoons who believe we can continue to expand our population with no negative effects. ... SECTION=US

Along with increasing water shortages will be decreased farm output to feed ourselves. Then, what happens when the growing population results in shortages of so many other goods such as fuel to heat homes, to move our vehicles?

The day will come when the cost of fending off freezing cold temperatures will take half of the working poor's income. Won't that be great..... funneling even more money into the pockets of the elite class.

It IS class warfare, folks.

And we are losing.