An immigration agent called Maha Dakar to his office a few weeks ago and told her the time had come to make a choice. ... 039/-1/all

Dakar began to weep.

The choice was simple, yet impossible: leave behind her Green Township home, her four young daughters and her husband and move to Jordan alone, or take the girls with her and subject them to a new and frightening life in a country they’d never seen.
Her husband was not permitted to go with her. She was not permitted to stay.
How could she decide, Dakar asked, when neither choice would keep her family together?
How could any mother do such a thing?
The sympathetic immigration agent gave Dakar a reprieve that day, but it will be short. She must report to him again in August with a plan to leave the country by October.
“We are willing to leave, but we want to leave as a family,â€