Tell Congress Not to Side with Corporate Interests on Internet Neutrality

Petition Targets: House of Representatives; Senate

Sites like alipac could become inaccessible. This is an important petition to sign so that we can continue to have open and free communication.

Internet neutrality is the idea that the Internet should be a free and open network. But large media companies have been jockeying for more control over it and recently, they experienced a small, but alarming victory.

A Congressional panel voted to make it easier for phone and cable companies to block or slow your access to sites and services on the Web.
Why? Because telephone and cable companies, like AT&T and Comcast, own the lines that connect you to the Internet, they can control where you go and how fast you get there. By blocking or slowing access to Internet-based services that compete with their own offerings like Internet-telephone, music, and video downloads, they reduce competition and increase business -- but for Internet users like you and me, this is bad news.

Now, the issue goes before Congress and if they pass this legislation, it would be like opening Pandora’s box. Once phone and cable companies are granted the legal ability to block or inhibit your access to the Web and its services, access to information becomes monopolized, making it near impossible for bloggers, start-ups, and every day people to create new content or access it.
We need to stand up, before the last great democratic frontier falls under the control of corporate America. Take a moment now to tell Congress why the Internet must be kept free and open, for everyone!

view and sign the petition at

http://<b><a href="http://www.thepet...123745</a></b>