The Immigration Debate

As Congress packs their bags to come home for ANOTHER ‘recess’, (an apt word for the childish cretins currently occupying Capitol offices), I must admit to a certain amount of incredulity at the offerings of our esteemed leaders in regards to ‘immigration reform’. Anyone with a mouse can find out that 80% of American citizens are FED UP with the status quo, and want our CURRENT laws enforced.

I realize that sounds a bit simplistic, but let’s take a look at it and see what we find.

In Hazleton, Pa., Mayor Lou Barletta decided that he had had enough of illegal aliens sapping his town’s budget and infrastructure. His Chief of Police informed him that 60% of the drug problem in town was directly connected to illegal aliens. People were being killed. So they passed the Illegal Immigration Relief Act, which penalizes employers who hire illegals and the landlords that rent to them. Before the Act could be enforced, the ACLU and the Puerto Rican-American Legal Defense Fund filed suit against Hazleton and the law was enjoined until a court could decide the issues. A decision and an appeal are expected soon.

In the State of Georgia, SB 529 was passed and signed into law last April. Although it’s provisions will not begin to take effect until this summer, and will take 3 years to be fully enforceable, the illegal aliens there are leaving the state by the thousands. Realtors have said that home purchases by Hispanics are down 40%, reflecting the level of flight from The Peach State.

Colorado’s new laws were passed against illegal aliens and now the farmers are using prisoners to work the fields. Good, they shouldn’t be laying around watching ‘Cops’ anyway.

So what we have here are areas that passed laws against illegal aliens but have not even begun to enforce them. What we have seen, however, is a drastic reduction in their illegal alien populations. It seems that even the threat of enforcement is enough to motivate their departure. These results lead me to believe that ‘Attrition through Enforcement’ will be the most effective means of dealing with the illegal population. It’s taken 20 years for the problem to get this bad, and it will take several years for that damage to be reversed. There is no quick fix, no magic wand and no ‘Politically Correct’ way to say it. Enforce our laws, deport illegal aliens, no amnesty, no guest-worker, no ‘touchback’, NO KIDDING!

Today’s rhetoric in the ‘immigration debate’ speaks more to the accommodation of big business, who’ve never met a cheap worker they didn’t like, regardless of how many criminals come across the border with them, than to the representation of plain-old American citizens. Mr. And Mrs. John Q. Public have had all we can take of this nonsense. Americans come from all over the world. They’ve been doing it for almost 4 centuries, making us the greatest nation in the history of the world. America is the most welcoming country in the world, and LEGALLYadmits more people to its shores than all other nations COMBINED, over a million a year since 1965.

The men who wrote our most precious documents 230 years ago pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to create this wonderful place called America. Over these past 230 years, hundreds of thousands of Americans have given their lives to the preservation of our ‘Grand Experiment’. Will you sell your citizenship, your birthright, for $2000? Is it for sale at ANY PRICE? If so, we might as well delete the borders and put out the ‘For Rent’ sign, because we’ve just turned ourselves into the North American Hotel and Day Labor Center.