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  1. #11
    Let the writers of this tripe live amongst the invading horde.

    Let their little Anglo kidlings go to school with the invader's kids.

    Let the elites or their lackeys live amongst what they condone.

    Then...... come back in a couple years (if they are still alive) and learn what they think about the invasion.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    was Georgia - now Arizona
    My reply...

    What a bunch of tripe, dressed up to appeal to Bush-bots and Big Business criminals who sell out American workers in the name of 'expanding profits'.

    "While the population includes an eye-popping number of crooks, drug-dealers and would-be welfare sponges, it also provides a helpful prop for sustaining American economic growth and cultural dynamism."

    As much as I agree with the first half of this sentence, I cannot in good conscience agree with the rest. This statement seems to condone the presence of criminals in the name of 'business'. There is no 'helpful prop' for economic growth, only the taxpayer-subsidized profit of the corporate employers who break the law by hiring illegal labor in the first place. How is it that you think nannies and gardeners are integral to our economy?

    The next paragraph was equally disingenuous.

    " Princeton University sociologist Douglas S. Massey reports that 62 percent of illegal immigrants pay income taxes (via withholding) and 66 percent contribute to Social Security. Forbes magazine notes that Mexican illegals aren't clogging up the social-services system: only 5 percent receive food stamps or unemployment assistance; 10 percent send kids to public schools."

    How much money gets withheld from a $10 an hour job, income OR Social Security? Every illegal immigrant with an anchor baby is eligible for food stamps, WIC, AFDC, Medicaid and a plethora of other services. Also, 100 percent of illegal immigrants with children send them to school at an average annual cost of $8,000 per student.

    Then you say, ""According to 2002 Census Bureau data, Hispanics are opening businesses at a rate three times faster than the national average. In addition, there were almost 1.6 million Hispanic-owned businesses generating $222 billion in revenue in 2002."

    That's simply because of the 3 fold increase in the illegal Hispanic population. As for your crime statistics, 1/3 of all prisoners currently incarcerated are ILLEGAL ALIENS. The proof is in the pudding.

    " Why, then, the fuss? In America today, unemployment remains low, employment is booming, wages have begun to grow in tandem with the economy, tax receipts are exploding at the federal and state levels, and the United States continues to run laps around its European and Asian economic rivals."

    The fuss, Mr. Snow, comes from the 14 million un- or under-employed Americans at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. These are the citizens that pay the highest costs in lost jobs and opportunities from this massive illegal tide. And in case you didn't notice, the laps being run by the U.S. have been fueled by the greatest debt ever owed by this country.

    "Virtually everyone agrees that we need to secure our borders, deport lawbreakers and slackers among the illegal-immigrant population, and revitalize the notion of citizenship by insisting that prospective citizens master the English language and the fundaments of American history and culture."

    Finally, a glimmer of truth.

    " The Statue of Liberty symbolizes America's affection for the world's tired and poor, the "huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Before someone razes Lady Liberty and decides to erect a wall to "protect" America from the world, shouldn't we at least spend a little time trying to get our facts straight?"

    The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France and the Emma Lazarus poem is outdated by 100 years. Lady Liberty needs a baseball bat and a new slogan saying, "You want a piece of ME!?!?!?"

  3. #13
    BlueHills's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    That is an excellent reply!

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