For the "so Called" evangelicals. Remember they can call themselves anything they want, but they are really just open border shills.


Pastor Ron Budwine
June 21, 2013

Before we get started and take the chance of becoming distracted with others avenues of thought "We The People" need to have a firm understanding of what the Scriptures teach us concerning the issues of Immigration and Illegal Immigration in America and the other nations of the world! Without a firm foundation with which to build a compatible arguement on, the logical, moral and indeed legal position falls flat in and of itself. Many of us feel this is exactly where the Obama Administration and the United States Congress are at as they attempt to put together a "New & Improved" immigration policy to suit THEIR agendas, corrupt and immoral as they may become.

Now for the record, "We The People" no longer have to "assume" their government is lying to them because the evidence and facts are already on public record to prove that they are! Do not take my word for this: do your own homework and see just how this current government has bent the truth to fit their plains.

We are taught in Romans 13:1-7 it is abundantly clear that The Almighty expects all of us to obey the laws of the government. Now the ONLY exception to this rule is "IF" the law of that government forces you to disobey a commandment of The Almighty. What the citizens of America have witnessed for decades has been a systematic, willful "Prostitution" of their own governments immigration policies. The obvious conclusion is our elected leaders have knowingly broken the Laws Of The Land they each swore to defend and protect, and by doing so placed this Republic and its citizens welfare in harms way! This violation of the laws of man is also the violation of God's Law therefore it is a sin and rebellion against God Himself, plain and simple. At this point I would assure you that this is not a position any of us wants to be for history teaches us that this never works out well other than God Himself!

This President, and some members of Congress have already offered more than enough evidence to "We The People" they can no longer be trusted to share the "Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth" with any of us oath or not! As this is being written the reader must ask themselves the only question of any importance to clear the air of any "Smoke & Mirrors": Why are any of these elected individual still holding public office and not behind bars serving hard time? The obvious answer is an extremely bitter pill to self-administer "Brothers & Sisters" BUT sooner or later each one of us will surely be forced to pucker-up and take our medicine! Few of us have been watching these "Misfits" thereby allowing them to corrupt our system and take control of Americas far.

In the great scheme of things, "We The People" have been tricked or "Brainwashed" into believing this Immigration Issue is far too complicated for the average citizen to understand much less work out into a enforceable and compassionate law for all. Of course this is nothing less than the "Elitist" position we've all come to expect & reject from President Obama and this corrupt and immoral Congress!

The REAL TRUTH concerning the Immigration Issue is stone-cold simple, few IF any of America's lawmakers and especially this President ever wanted to close Americas borders, and protect its citizens from an intentional invasion of "Illegal Immigrats" of biblical proportions, all by diabolical design! These Immigrants have always been viewed by the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist Movement in Washington as their personal "Cash-Crop"! All the proof is at the public's fingertips yet we sit back on our politics while these folks just stroll across our borders! They knew BEFORE they made the trip their chances of being caught were small at best AND little chance of being held accountable for breaking our laws! The rewards are far better than the threat of any punishment they may receive so there you have it, so simple it's almost frightening no?

The REAL TRUTH is "We The People" have been set-up and "Hosed" on the first order by our own government, and to add insult to injury, we have been paying them extremely well for doing this for decades! The "Numbers" tell us all we need to know about what will happen to this precious Republic IF we allow the "Abomination" called Immigration Reform to pass into the Law of the land... the America as we've known it will completely disapear and the vast majority of us will fall under the rule of taskmasters few of us can begin to imagine! Before long a new "Dark Age" will be our reward for straying from our Faith and "Roots" have no doubts. Remember my friends, NONE of this has been put into place by accident! Even some of our Churches are encouraging the breaking of our nations laws in the name of compassion which is a direct rebellion against God's Holy Law and these church leaders know full well this is not folowing God's commands! They WILL reap what they sow I can promise them!

I have included 2 video clips that tell this story far better than I can so I ask you to take the time and watch what is on the horizon for each woman, man and child IF we fail to regain control of this Republic while there is still time! I sincerly believe a great place to start and offer your support to is this fine Organization ! These "Sisters" have our families and precious childrens best interests at the center of their agenda and focus! Only the "Righteous Servants" of the Lord should be placed in positions of trust and power from here forward IF we are finally awake! Peace be with you.
"Laus Deo & Shabbat Shalom"
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