Watching America's Hero, Lou "The Man" Dobbs yesterday and noted a ray of hope. NO KIDDING!!

Looks like some new legislation is being introduced by Sessions/McCain/Graham/Kyl, and Cornyn ( ), that APPEARS to be REAL border security.

I say that with a grain of salt because I haven't reviewed the text of the document yet, but based on what I heard yesterday and read today, it looks like the amnesty crap is ALL stripped away from this attempt, and this is strictly about getting the fence built, enforcing the law at the employer level, getting more border patrol, etc.

Put it this way, LaRaza is shitting their pants right about now. This legislation would seriously damage their attempts to legitimize their racism and self-entitlement. HOW ABOUT THAT?!?! YEAH!!!

I also noted that The Talking Human Skull, Chertoff the Coward, is talking about REALLY enforcing the laws and tackling head-on the immigration issue at the Social Security/Employer level. It sure sounds like the crackdown is about to begin, FOR REAL this time. Time will tell, but let's face it, election time is JUST around the bend, and whether or not that plays a role here, personally I don't care WHAT the stimulus is to do the right thing, just as long as it begins, and in extreme earnest, by ALL in our government.

I noted a small news article here that gives a good summary of the introduction:

A light at the end of the tunnel? Perhaps. It sounds on it's face like it is. Again, time will tell, but let's continue to encourage the Senate to do the right thing, let's review this bill, let's make sure those that ARE doing it right hear from us, loudly, and the same for those that aren't.

Peace and Patriotism for all,