I was born in the United States, in Van Nuys CA to be Exact. My son who is now 11 was born in Mexico. I had him there while taking care of my Grandmother. When my son was 8 months I returned to the USA, I walked across the border and the border patrol new that my son was Mexican and just asked me to make sure to file his paperwork once I reached my destination. I am an American that Believes in Immigration, I would love nothing more than my son to have papers. He has been here his whole life and speaks no Spanish. But because my ex husband is Mexican and not American my son has not been allowed to immigrate. Immigration has LOST his paperwork twice in the last 10 years. I listen to people talk about illegals as if they are bad or criminals my son is innocent, he has done no wrong. I am an American citizen with no rights because the entire country spends more time wanting to stop illegal’s they make it harder to immigrate. I am an American citizen and my little boy should be one too. I am not sure why I am posting this; I know that this is not at all what you all signed up for. But I guess I wanted you all to know that an Illegal is not always the guy who crossed the border. Sometimes they are children with one American parent. Some illegals have every right to be Americans legally but immigration looses paperwork, they make rules that are almost impossible to meet, and they expect thousands of dollars. My grandparents immigrated to this country probably about 55 years ago. Back in those days Immigration was not such a big problem in fact my Grandfather was able to get work on the railroads with no problems back then things were different. Mexicans came to the US to work and after the job was done they went home. I wonder why we have a problem now ... If they have made it almost impossible for people to immigrate to this country. When it was not at all hard immigrants had no desire to stay they came worked on the fields and most would go back. But now they fight to get here I guess something is always more attractive when it seems unattainable. But no one ever thinks about that, they just want to use tax payer money and make the wall bigger. Build more watch towers. Hire more border patrol. But the truth is that the harder you make it the more people will come. That is just the rule of humanity people will always desire the unattainable.
But now I think I have gone off topic. I just wanted to let you all know that I am an American citizen that was born here and I have and Illegal son and some Illegal’s deserve the right to immigrate. My son is called a criminal and he is a child and the criminals are the ones who have lost his paperwork and kept him illegal for 10 years.

Thank you