I am a member of a National Terror Alert Network (not actually DHS). They do though keep the public up to date on various terrorist threats. Now lets LEAP to Senior Staffs notice of this afternoon, and their request that we all FAX and Email our local law enforcement...STAGE SET...I just found this on the National Terrorist Network web site, and we need to make our voices heard and FAST!
http://www.nationalterroralert.com/upda ... bers-miac/

Fusion Centers Expand Criteria to Identify Militia Members MIAC
Submitted by national on Monday, 23 March 2009One Comment

If you’re an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia supporting a third-party candidate or a certain Republican member of Congress, if you possess subversive literature, you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group.

That’s according to “The Modern Militia Movement,â€