LAPD restrains a round business

According to LAPD the fact of not having license is not sufficient to confiscate a car

Moratoria. De ahora en adelante el LAPD no podrá confiscar los autos de los conductores que no tengan licencia de manejo. (Ciro Cesar/La Opinión)

AgustÃ*n Durán
30 of August of 2007

Spokesmen of the Department of Police of Los Angeles (LAPD) emphasized that not to have license it is not reason sufficient to confiscate a car and they will not do it unless the conductor does not have a friend or relative with license that helps him to lead, or is no a place to park the car at the time of the halting.

“The conductor can speak to a relative or friend to him so that they gather the car. Obvious, he must be a reasonable time (15 or 20 minutes), expressed Ana Aguirre, spokeswoman of LAPD.

Tuesday LAPD announced the moratorium in the arrest and confiscación of the cars that during years did and meant for the department, like for the companies of cranes that worked with the police, a millionaire business.

Spokesmen of LAPD say that they do not know how many cars were confiscated to the year, but a local newspaper reported yesterday that near 40 thousand vehicles they were taken to the yard, of which more than half was believed were of people without license.

These people had to leave the car in the yard during 30 days, which took them to pay up to 1.300 dollars to recover it. Considering only 20 thousand cars, the numbers obtained by this practice ascend to 26 million annual dollars.

Even, in some cities of the county of Los Angeles, the moment arrived at which the owner of a company of cranes practically selected to the councilmen with financial support, in order for assuring the contract with the police.

“Era a round business, in Maywood a company gave money here him to the campaign of all the councilmen to assure that they supported it with the contract and soon they made revisions of license and thus to increase its gainsâ€