Dr. Ben Carson Drops Medicine, Enters Political Arena

June 20, 2013

Renowned brain surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson has decided to put down his surgical scalpel and pursue a career in politics. Carson has long been a sought-after public speaker, but it wasn’t until he delivered the keynote address at the 61st annual National Prayer Breakfast, where he euthanized President Obama’s liberal agenda, have the calls for him to run for public been made.

During his appearance on Fox Business’ Stu Varney show, Carson confirmed that he conducted his last surgical case, and said his farewells to his colleagues.

If we don’t have the right environment, a sick environment doesn’t help the organism-Dr. Ben Carson In answering Varney’s question, as to what his roll in politics was going to be, Carson said that he was going to “spend a lot of time talking to political and non political groups about the United States being for the people,” and healthcare reform.

It only be a matter of time until Carson is recruited to run for federal office. Question is, has he already decided to run for office, and is waiting to make an announcement down the road?

Related post on Dr. Ben Carson-Ben Carson Joins Allen West’s Elite “Uncle Tom” Fraternity -

Read more at: http://shark-tank.net/2013/06/20/dr-ben-carson-drops-medicine-enters-political-arena/ | The Shark Tank
