letter to the editor
Created: 01/02/2012 06:03:03 AM PST

I am so frustrated and disappointed with our media and government for not caring about our country, our sovereignty and our American citizens.

Recently on Channel 4, newscasters told illegal immigrants that they needed to be careful driving to and from work, as the police may be checking for driver's licenses.

Driving without a driver's license, taking jobs that belong to unemployed citizens and breaking the law by being in our country illegally apparently does not upset anyone but me.

I know that I will be accused of being a racist. Well, darn it, it has nothing to do with race, it has to do with the law. We have American citizens of all race, color and creed who are unemployed and need jobs!

Our government seems to want an open border policy, rather than enforcing the laws of our land.

Can't anyone see that America is going broke and there is no way that we can take care of the whole darn world?


