I've kind of done some anaylizing today

Romney was pretty much a blowout in Maine today , McCain is
in the gutter as of the count right now

Romney blew McCain out of Mich and NV and Wy

McCain also won NH last time he ran there so that was really
no Surprise ,
Florida was close

With the Maine win , They are almost even up in delegate counts

In the last couple days the msm has been clearly pushing McCain
saying that the nom is all but won , Far from it

With the power of talk radio and some of the cable news shows
giving some of our people face time , like Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin
they are making our case and exposing McCain for what he is ,

Tue will tell a lot , but it won't be the end for Romney , Calif could split , its not a winner take all , Utah, Colorado and some other western states are a lock for Romney , Also some Southern states might figure out Hucks game and just not even bother with him , Keep in mind Romney picked up a bunch of the Evangelical vote in Florida that would normally have gone to Huck , but didn't

McCain may have Arnie and Rudi , the endorsement of the LA times and NY times , he seems to be the darling of the lib symp crowd , Because they know Hillary can beat him in a second

We are not alone , we have Tancredo, Joe Arpaio , Rush is on our side , Hannity , John and Ken in LA and their listeners are with us for the most part , Several other high profile politicans with good records have endorsed Romney ,

I just hope we get a huge surprise on Tue ,

And McCain gets taken down a few notches